Topic outline
International Technical Webinar
Tuesday 19 November 2024, 14:00 - 15:00 Europe/Rome
Sign up for freePanelists
Mr Selvaraju Ramasamy (FAO)
Ms Manuela Bucciarelli (FAO)
Ms Cristina Petracchi (FAO)
Mr Sylvain Perret (Agrinatura)
Ms Nimisha Mittal (GFRAS)
Mr Abdulrazak Ibrahim (FARA)
Ms Karen Montiel (IICAT-CATIE)
Mr Adam Kabango (FAO TAP AIS, Malawi)
Ms Maria Fernanda Garrido (Agrosavia Colombia)
Ms Syndhia Mathé (CIRAD)
Mr Mehmood Riaz (AMRI)
Objectives of the session
- Understand key concepts of Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS);
- Define the concepts and application of the TAP Common Framework on Capacity Development for AIS, and how TAP addresses capacity gaps in the tropics; and
- Launch Illustrate methods and tools to conduct capacity needs assessments, strengthen organizational capacities and the enabling environment for innovation, and perform monitoring, evaluation and learning.