Topic outline
This course has the objective to support countries and regions in planning the information needs for monitoring, pilotage and evaluation during the life of their Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture programmes. The course, also, offers practical guidance on building an M&E system which is feasible, practical and relevant to the programme’s needs.

The target audience for this course includes: professionals involved in managing a programme, designing an M&E system, leading research or implementing M&E activities, and all those who wish to have concrete guidance on how to apply M&E methods to their programmes.
- Basic M&E concepts
- Choosing what to monitor
- Monitoring and evaluation indicators
- Defining your indicators
- Planning for M&E activities during the programme’s lifetime
The course consists of 6 lessons, ranging from approximately 20 to 45 minutes duration each:
- Lesson 1 – Introduction
- Lesson 2 – Basic M&E Concepts
- Lesson 3 – Choosing what to monitor
- Lesson 4 – M&E indicators basic concepts
- Lesson 5 – Defining your indicators
- Lesson 6 – Planning for M&E activities during the programme's lifetime
The online version of this course runs on the latest versions of the major browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox.
The downloadable version only runs on Windows PC’s and no additional software is needed.
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