Topic outline

International Technical Webinar

Thursday 14 July 2022, 14:30 - 15:30 Europe/Rome

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Ms Gerda Verburg (UN Assistant Secretary General) 
Mr Max Olupot (African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services) 
Mr Marcello Scalisi (Mediterranean Universities Union) 
Ms Sara Roversi (Future Food Institute) 
Mr Grammenos Mastrojeni (Union for the Mediterranean)
Ms Tarifa A. Alzaabi (International Center for Biosaline Agriculture) 
Ms Cristina Petracchi (FAO elearning Academy).

Objectives of the session

  • Share the aspirations of the FAO elearning Academy: promoting universal education, equal rights, competitiveness and inclusion;
  • Describe the international certification offered; and
  • Share partners experience and testimonials on the collaboration with the FAO elearning Academy.