Welcome to the e-learning series on Anticipatory Action!
This series includes e-learning courses and job aids to develop the capacity to implement an Anticipatory Action System in the context of food security and agriculture.
The following materials will guide you through the steps of developing an anticipatory action system, from prioritizing risks to designing, implementing and assessing the impact of anticipatory actions:
E-learning course
This comprehensive e-learning course provides guidance through all the steps of developing an Anticipatory Action (AA) system: from prioritizing risks, to setting up an early warning system and identifying, implementing and analysing
impact of AA interventions.
3 h 30 m
Short course
This mobile responsive short course provides an overview of how to build a crisis timeline to support the design of anticipatory actions using a phased approach. It focuses on slow-onset hazards and uses drought as an illustrative
30 m
Job aid
This mobile responsive job aid provides a list of key early warning indicators, thresholds and information sources to support anticipatory action systems in the context of food security and agriculture.
30 m
Job aid
This mobile responsive job aid proposes a set of potential anticipatory actions to mitigate the effects of hazards on agriculture and food security, to support the identification of anticipatory actions.
10 m