Topic outline

  • The course series “Effective participation in Codex work” is designed to improve understanding and awareness of Codex Alimentarius and develop sustainable national capacities to engage in and benefit from Codex work.

    The course series consists of the following four courses:


    Course 1: Introduction to Codex

    This first course explains why Codex exists and why it is important. It provides a brief history of the establishment of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and introduces its mandate and legal basis, as well as the initial steps for becoming involved.

    2 h


    Course 2: Engaging in Codex

    The second course guide the learner on how to establish a national Codex programme and make it function well. It further explain on how to engage effectively in Codex at international level.

    4 h 30 m


    Course 3: Science and risk analysis in Codex

    The third course provides information on the scientific basis and the application of risk analysis in Codex and explains how FAO/WHO scientific advice is used in the development of Codex standards. It also describes the interactions between FAO/WHO expert bodies and relevant Codex Committees and explains why and how countries can contribute to the provision of scientific advice.

    1 h 40 m


    Course 4: Codex collaboration at regional level

    The fourth course gives an overview of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committees, and describes the roles, functions and responsibilities of Coordinators (often referred to as “regional coordinators”) and Members of the region. It will be particularly useful to policy-makers and national officials involved in food control and Codex work.

    1 h 30 m

    Each course concludes with a final test. A digital badge certificate is issued upon successful completion of the test.

    Depending on the interest of learners, the self-paced courses in this series can be completed as a whole (which is preferable), or as individual courses (or lessons), taken independently.

    Throughout the course series, references are made to specific courses or lessons where certain subjects are covered more extensively. Each course takes the learner step-by-step through the learning content using interactive screens and is complemented by exercises and links to additional material and websites for further reading.