Topic outline

This course focuses on the screening phase of the investment assessment process. It explains what screening and due diligence are and why they are such important policy instruments for governments seeking to attract, promote and regulate responsible investment in agriculture and food systems, and avoid investment that causes or contributes to harm. The course also provides practical information on the way a screening process should be designed and implemented and describes some of the barriers to uptake and implementation that must be overcome in order for screening to be most effective.


This course targets policymakers and technical government staff.

  • Why it is important for governments to foster responsible agricultural investment in their countries and prevent irresponsible investment.
  • The role that governments should play in relation to agricultural investment.
  • What investment screening and due diligence are, and why they are important.
  • What the main entry points are to conduct investment screening.
  • How an investment screening process should be designed and implemented.
  • What legal constraints can hinder investment screening.

The course is composed of the following modules, lasting approximately from 5 to 25 minutes each:

  • The importance of responsible investment in agriculture and food systems
  • Fostering responsible investment
  • What investment screening is
  • Who conducts investment screening and when
  • Why investment screening is important
  • How a screening process should be designed and effectively implemented
  • Legal constraints to investment screening

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    Columbia Center on Substainable Investment