Welcome to the e-learning series on Knowledge management and learning for emergency and resilience programming!
This series was designed to develop capacities of emergency and resilience practitioners to integrate knowledge management and learning in their work. The ultimate goal is to inform and improve interventions aiming at tackling
food crises and strengthening the resilience of agrifood systems.
The series consists of the following three e-learning resources that illustrate the role of knowledge management, how it works and how to integrate it into emergency and resilience programming through learning.
This educational video illustrates the role of knowledge management and learning to improve emergency and resilience programming and policy making.
Short course
This course provides an overview of knowledge management processes and how they can be applied to emergency and resilience-building work.
This course provides step-by-step guidance for developing, sharing and using learning to inform and improve interventions aiming at tackling food crises and strengthening the resilience of agrifood systems.
The series has been developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations with the support of the European Union within the framework of the Global Network Against Food Crises Partnership Programme.