Topic outline
This course is a clear and easy-to-use guide to understand Indicator 2.c.1 (Indicator of food price anomalies) and the methodology to estimate it. It covers basic concepts related to market functioning, prices determination and price volatility and explains how to calculate the indicator and use the online Food Price Monitoring and Analysis (FPMA) tool to interpret indicator results, at national and international level.
A downloadable package of this course is also available in Russian.

This course is primarily intended for: staff of public institutions responsible for monitoring domestic food markets or involved in price data collection, dissemination and analysis within the reporting of SDG Indicator 2.c.1; as well as professionals working in public or private organizations interested in price monitoring and market stability.
- Rationale of Indicator 2.c.1 within the context of the Sustainable Development Goal 2
- Importance of market stability and market prices monitoring and the role of the Indicator as a warning too
- Main concepts to understand supply and demand, market integration and price volatility
- Steps to estimate the Indicator
- Features provided by the FPMA Tool to search for national and international food price series and analyze their trends and statistics for monitoring purposes
The course consists of 4 lessons, ranging from approximately 20 to 60 minutes duration each:
- Lesson 1 – Market stability and Indicator 2.c.1: an introduction
- Lesson 2 – An introduction to food market analysis
- Lesson 3 – A guide to calculating and interpreting SDG Indicator 2.c.1
- Lesson 4 – How to analyse and interpret prices through the Food Price Monitoring and Analysis Tool
The online version of this course runs on the latest versions of the major browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox.
The downloadable version only runs on Windows PC’s and no additional software is needed.
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