Topic outline
This course illustrates how to identify capacity development needs on child labour for agricultural stakeholders. It provides guidance on how to design tailored capacity development activities on child labour in agriculture for a target group. It also explains how to communicate effectively in order to raise awareness on the issue of child labour in agriculture among various types of audiences.

The course will contribute to the capacity development of:
- policy makers and advisors of agricultural related policy,
- agricultural programme designers and implementers,
- agricultural producer organizations,
- agricultural researchers, and
- agricultural statisticians,
who wish and need to know more about tackling child labour in agriculture.
- How to develop and design individual and institutional capacity on child labour in agriculture for tailored capacity interventions.
- Capacity development strategies and activities to scale up capacity development interventions and institutionalize prevention and reduction of child labour.
- Adapting your communication approach to your audience in various groups.
- Choosing appropriate entry points and arguments depending on your audience, do advocate the reduction and prevention of child labour.
The course consists of 2 lessons, ranging from approximately 50 to 65 minutes duration each:
- Lesson 1 – Building individual and institutional capacity
- Lesson 2 – Communicating effectively on child labour in agriculture
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The downloadable version only runs on Windows PC’s and no additional software is needed.
Digital certification
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