Topic outline
This course is part of a series of four e-learning courses on ”Bivalve Mollusc Sanitation for growing areas".
This third course in the e-learning series details the Growing Area Monitoring activity in a bivalve mollusc sanitation programme. The course describes sample plans, how to conduct sampling and the laboratory analysis of microbiological hazards in a growing area for bivalve molluscs intended for human consumption.

This course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective but is written for the general public. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking the course include:
- Policy makers
- Responsible authorities.
- Development practitioners and programme managers
- Sectoral specialists and researchers
- Bivalve producers
- Trainers and extension agents
- Primary and ongoing monitoring in terms of their dependencies and activities.
- Generating and document sampling plans for primary and ongoing monitoring.
- The requirements for sampling and sample transport for bivalve molluscs and water.
- The capability factors and the recommended quality management frameworks for laboratories.
- The microbiological methods for the determination of faecal indicators and pathogens in bivalves and water.
This course consists of four lessons of approximately 15-45 minutes each:
- Lesson 1 - Primary and ongoing monitoring
- Lesson 2 - Sampling plans
- Lesson 3 - Sample collection and transport
- Lesson 4 - Quality, methods and laboratories
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Digital certification
This course offers certification. You will get your digital badge upon passing a final exam after completing the course and achieving a grade of at least 75%. Please click on the button below to complete the exam, or refer to our Certification section to learn more.
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