Topic outline

This course highlights the importance of forests in climate change mitigation and how quality measurement, verification and reporting (MRV) is needed to ensure environmental integrity. It outlines the MRV requirements for jurisdictional REDD+ of different standards/programmes, in case countries are seeking to obtain results-based payments or climate finance.


This course is designed for individuals working on technical teams within national or subnational governments responsible for REDD+ MRV, and for those countries wishing to access results-based payments. The course also targets persons working in ministries, government officers, academia and private sector among others involved in the design and establishment of MRV for REDD+.

  • The role of forests in climate change mitigation.
  • The measurement, verification and reporting (MRV) requirements for REDD+.
  • REDD+ standards for jurisdictional REDD+.
  • The importance of robust MRV for environmental integrity of Jurisdictional REDD+ in channelling additional funding.

The course consists of 2 lessons of approximately 30 minutes duration each:

  • Lesson 1 - The importance of forests in climate change mitigation and the role of REDD+
  • Lesson 2 - Measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) for environmental integrity of jurisdictional REDD+

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Digital certification

This course offers certification. You will get your digital badge upon passing a final exam after completing the course and achieving a grade of at least 75%. Please click on the button below to complete the exam, or refer to our Certification section to learn more.

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    Aim4forestUK Government