Topic outline

This course introduces how agroecological elements, principles and practices can contribute to the social, economic and ecological transformation of agrifood systems. It also explores ways that governments, civil society and the private sector can support the scale-up and scale-out of agroecology. The course illustrates the uptake and spread of agroecology across Africa through practical examples and case studies.


This course is relevant for a wide audience who wants to quickly grasp the concepts of agroecology, including:

  • Government officials and staff of the ministries of agriculture, food security, environment, health, trade or economics and rural affairs.
  • Policymakers or advisors.
  • Training and capacity development practitioners.

  • The key concepts, principles and practices of agroecology.
  • How agroecology can contribute to the social, economic and ecological transformation of agrifood systems.
  • How agroecology can contribute to maintaining agroecosystem health, productive capacity and reinforcing farm resilience.
  • The enabling environment, obstacles and lock-ins affecting agroecological adoption and transitions to sustainable food systems.
  • Ways for scaling up agroecology at community, national and regional levels.
  • How the elements and principles of agroecology can be applied in Africa.

This course consists of four lessons of approximately 45-70 minutes duration each:

  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to agroecology
  • Lesson 2 - Applying the ecological principles of agroecology
  • Lesson 3 - Applying the social principles of agroecology
  • Lesson 4 - Scaling up and scaling out agroecology

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Digital certification

This course offers certification. You will get your digital badge upon passing a final exam after completing the course and achieving a grade of at least 75%. Please click on the button below to complete the exam, or refer to our Certification section to learn more.

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  • Partners

    The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) McKnight Foundation