Topic outline

International Technical Webinar

Wednesday 29 March 2023, 10:00 - 11:30 Europe/Rome

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Mr Abasali Nobakht (Ministry of Agriculture and Head of the Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization, Islamic Republic of Iran)
Mr Mohsen Abdolhoseini (Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization, Islamic Republic of Iran)
Mr Anders Malmer (Chairperson, Committee on Forestry Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosylvopastoral Systems)
Mr Igshaan Samuels (Co-chair, International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists 2026)
Ms Fidaa F. Haddad (Forestry Officer, FAO)
Ms Fiona Flintan (Senior Scientist, Rangelands and Pastoralism, International Livestock Research Institute)
Ms Bora Masumbuko (Senior Programme Officer, Forest and Grassland Team Centre for Conservation Action, International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Mr Ali Nazaridoust (National Programme and Partnership Development, FAO Iran)
Ms Malgorzata Buszko Briggs (Senior Forestry Officer and Secretary of the Committee on Forestry, FAO)
Dr Vahid Jafarian (General Director for Desert Affairs)
Ms Cristina Petracchi (Leader of the FAO elearning Academy)

Objectives of the session

  • Present the e-learning course "Transforming Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems: An approach to sustaining and developing food production in drylands under change";
  • Share experiences and lessons learned of dryland experts and partners on how to plan for and assess transformational change in dryland production systems taking the social, economic, and environmental sustainability pillars into consideration; and
  • Launch the call for applications for the Commitee on Forestry's Working Group summer school.