Topic outline
International Technical Webinar
Wednesday 14 February 2024, 10:30 - 12:00 Europe/Rome
Sign up for freePanelists
Ms Lynnette Neufeld (Director, Food and Nutrition Division, FAO)
Ms Alexandra Tung (Nutrition Consultant, FAO)
Ms Farazi Binti Ferdous (National Consultant, FAO Bangladesh)
Ms Holy Raobelina (Nutrition Officer, FAO Madagascar)
Ms Patrizia Fracassi (Senior Nutrition and Food System Officer, FAO)
Ms Cristina Petracchi (Leader of the FAO elearning Academy)
Mr Alexander Kalimbira (Associate Professor of Human Nutrition and Head of Department of Human Nutrition and Health, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Malawi)
Mr Abba Isyaku Adamu (Programmes Director, Centre for Community Development and Research Network, Nigeria)
Objectives of the session
- Facilitate cross-country learning and the uptake of tools developed at global and country levels through sharing of country experiences by FAO country focal points and partners;
- Guide the way forward on further capacity development on agrifood systems actions for healthier diets; and
- Promote FAO global level resources and hybrid methodology on capacity development, including the e-learning course 'Agrifood system pathways to healthy diets: A stepwise approach'.